Boosting Your Blog Income: 11 Proven Strategies to Make More Money Beyond Ads (2023)

As a blogger who wants to quit the corporate job and pursue your passion full-time, you are probably wondering this question: I have a popular blog, but I solely rely on ads to make money, which is not enough at all. What are some possible ways to create more revenue streams?

Expanding your revenue streams beyond ads is a smart strategy for monetizing your popular blog more effectively. Here are some potential ways to generate additional income in 2023:

1、Affiliate Marketing: Partner with companies and promote their products or services within your blog posts. You’ll earn a commission for each sale or action generated through your affiliate links. Ensure that the products or services align with your blog’s content and audience to maximize success.

2、Sponsored Content: Collaborate with brands for sponsored posts or reviews. Brands may pay you to create content that features their products or services. Make sure sponsored content is transparent and maintains the authenticity of your blog.

3、Sell Digital Products: Leverage your expertise to create and sell digital products like e-books, online courses, templates, or printables. These can provide a steady stream of passive income once created.

4、Membership or Subscription Model: Offer premium content or a subscription-based model for exclusive access to in-depth articles, resources, or community forums. Subscribers pay a regular fee for these privileges.

5、Consulting or Coaching Services: If you’re an expert in your blog’s niche, offer consulting or coaching services to your audience. You can provide personalized advice, guidance, or training for a fee.

6、E-commerce or Merchandise: If your blog has a loyal following, consider selling merchandise related to your niche. This could include branded apparel, accessories, or products that resonate with your audience.

7、Webinars and Workshops: Host webinars, workshops, or online events that offer valuable insights, and charge a fee for participation. These can be one-time events or part of a series.

8、Donations and Crowdfunding: Encourage your readers to support your blog through donations via platforms like Patreon or by setting up a donation button. Offer exclusive perks to donors to incentivize contributions.

9、Freelance Writing or Speaking Engagements: Leverage your blog as a portfolio to secure freelance writing opportunities or speaking engagements within your niche. These can be lucrative sources of income.

10、Diversify Ad Networks: While you’re looking to move beyond ads, consider diversifying your ad network partners. Explore premium ad networks or negotiate higher rates with your current partners to maximize ad revenue.

11、Email Marketing: If you have a substantial email list, use it strategically to promote affiliate products, digital products, or your other income streams. Email marketing can be a powerful revenue driver.

Remember that it’s essential to maintain the quality and relevance of your content throughout these monetization efforts. Your audience’s trust and engagement are valuable assets, so be transparent about your revenue strategies and ensure they add value to your readers’ experience. Combining several of these methods can help you create a more sustainable income from your popular blog.

Top 5 smart and actionable ways to make money using AI tools like ChatGPT and GPT-4 (plus 3 bonus tips)

ChatGPT or GPT-4 are advanced artificial intelligence models that can generate natural language text based on a given input or prompt. They can be used for various purposes such as content creation, chatbots, transcription, translation, research, analysis, etc. Here are some possible ways to make money using ChatGPT or GPT-4:

1. Content creation

You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to write articles, blog posts, social media posts, captions, headlines, summaries, reviews, etc. for yourself or for clients who need high-quality and unique content for their websites or platforms. You can even generate YouTube video scripts with these AI models. Next, you can either sell your content directly or convert it into videos and earn on YouTube.

2. Copywriting

You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to write persuasive and engaging copy for marketing campaigns, sales pages, landing pages, emails, newsletters, ads, etc. for yourself or for clients who need to promote their products or services. The best part? You have the flexibility to charge per word or per project based on your expertise and experience.

3. Chatbots

You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to develop chatbots that can interact with customers and provide support, information, guidance, recommendations, etc. for yourself or for clients who need to improve their customer service and satisfaction. You can charge per chatbot or per subscription depending on your skills and experience.

4. Transcription and translation

You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to quickly and accurately transcribe audio and video recordings into text, making it easy to convert spoken words into written form. You can also use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to translate text or speech from one language to another, making it easy to communicate with people from different countries. You can charge per minute or per word depending on your skills and experience.

5. Code generation

You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to write code for yourself or for clients who need to develop software applications or websites. You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to generate code snippets based on natural language descriptions of functionality. You can charge per line of code depending on your skills and experience.

Here are 3 BONUS tips to help you make even more money:

6. Research and analysis

You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to conduct research and analysis on various topics, such as market trends, customer feedback, competitor analysis, etc. You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to generate summaries, reports, insights, recommendations, etc. for yourself or for clients who need data-driven decision making. You can charge per project or per hour depending on your skills and experience.

7. Education and tutoring

You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to create educational content and courses for yourself or for clients who need to learn new skills or subjects. You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to generate lessons, quizzes, exercises, feedback, etc. for various levels and domains of learning. You can charge per course or per student depending on your skills and experience.

8. Entertainment and gaming

You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to create entertainment content and games for yourself or for clients who need to have fun or relax. You can use ChatGPT or GPT-4 to generate stories, jokes, poems, lyrics, dialogues, characters, scenarios, etc. for various genres and formats of entertainment. You can charge per content piece or per game depending on your skills and experience.

These are just some examples of how you can make money using ChatGPT or GPT-4. There may be other opportunities depending on your creativity and innovation. We hope you’ll find our tips helpful and start taking actions to actually profit from it today.

Top 3 Chinese coal stocks worth watching and why they could soar higher in 2022

Chinese coal stocks are having a strong bull run despite the fear that a global recession is underway. While most of the major stock markets in the world are going on a roller coaster ride and hurting investors’ portfolios, Chinese coal stocks continue to show strong momentum, some giving investors incredible YTD (Year to Date) returns up to 100%. If you are ready to take advantage of the amazing upside of Chinese coal sector, you don’t want to miss out the following top 3 Chinese coal stocks.

The number one coal stock on our list is 中国神华 (zhong guo shen hua), ticker symbol 601088, which is currently the largest coal company in China and also a long time industry leader. The market cap of 中国神华 stands at 515 billion Yuan (RMB) and its YTD return in 2022 shoots up to over 56%.

Second on our top coal stocks list is 陕西煤业 (shan xi mei ye) with ticker symbol 601225. This is the second largest coal producer in China in terms of market cap. 陕西煤业 has generated a whopping YTD return as high as 100%.

Last one on the list is 兖矿能源 (yan kuang neng yuan), ticker symbol 600188. As the 3rd largest coal company in China, 兖矿能源’s shares delivered a jaw-dropping return of over 130%, making it one of the best performing stocks in China’s A share market in 2022.

While the world is seeking to switch from traditional “dirty” energy sources such as coal to green ones like solar power and wind energy, the change won’t happen overnight, which means fossil fuels like coal are still going to play an important role in our lives for quite some time. As the power consumption around the world continues to increase, we have good reasons to believe that Chinese coal stocks are set to achieve even better returns in years to come.

What is the ticker symbol for coffee futures in the United States? Plus, some top coffee stocks and ETFs to watch (Updated in 2022)

Coffee is a beloved drink in many countries around the world. In Western countries such as Europe and the United States, coffee drinking is especially popular. In addition to being a beverage, coffee is an important commodity, and many investors make money by trading coffee futures. In word’s top futures exchanges, such as: ICE (InterContinental Exchange) and CME (Chicago Mercantile Exchange) in the United States, there are corresponding coffee futures varieties. In addition, there are some well-known coffee concept stocks and ETF funds in the US stock market. In this article, intents to answer the following questions: What is the trading code of coffee (coffee) futures in the United States? What are the related popular coffee concept stocks and ETFs in US stocks?

As of June 22, 2022, according to’s knowledge, ICE (Intercontinental Exchange) and CME (Che Mercantile Exchange) in the United States currently have coffee futures. ICE’s ticker for coffee futures is: KC. The CME coffee futures trading symbol is: KT. It should be noted that the specific futures contract code often has 3 letters, and has specific expiration year and month information.

For some investors who are not familiar with futures trading, they can also make profits by trading coffee-related concept stocks. Here are 3 popular US coffee stocks, including: (1) SBUX, Starbucks, Starbucks, which is a famous coffee shop chain. (2) NSRGY, Nestle, Nestle, is a giant in the food industry. (3) QSR, Restaurant Brands International, is a Canadian fast food chain complex, which owns the famous brand Tim Hortons.

Of course, some investors are more interested in investing in ETF funds. In fact, there are also such choices in US stocks, but the choices are relatively limited. At present, we have only found one US stock ETF with the concept of coffee, and its name/trading symbol is: JO. The issuer of the fund is: Barclays Capital (Barclays Capital), the issuance time is 2018, and its latest price is: $65.

Is New Oriental (新东方) currently listed in the U.S., Hong Kong, and China stock markets? Has it turned a profit recently? When was its latest stock split or reverse split?

New Oriental (新东方) is one of China’s leading education companies focusing on fields such as English teaching and career training, and its founder is Yu Minhong (俞敏洪). The company was founded in 1993 and is currently headquartered in Haidian, Beijing. Many investors are interested in investing in New Oriental’s stocks, so today will give you a quick introduction to the following topics: Is New Oriental currently listed in the U.S., Hong Kong, and China stock markets? Has it turned a profit recently? When was its latest stock split or reverse split?

As of May 4, 2022, according to our quick research, New Oriental is currently listed in: the US and Hong Kong stock markets. It went IPO in the US in 2006 and has been trading under the ticker symbol: EDU. New Oriental went public in Hong Kong, China in November 2020, and its stock symbol is: 01797. At present, New Oriental has not yet been listed on the A-share market in mainland, China.

Since 2021, China has introduced stricter policies to curb the overheated education and training industry in the country, which has a negative impact on the business of public companies in the sector. In fiscal 2021, net profit generated by New Oriental was US$230 million, down 35% year over year.

In April 2022, New Oriental U.S. stocks underwent a one-for-ten (1:10) reverse stock split. Before the reverse split, its stock was traded slightly higher than $1. However, after the reverse split, the price of the stock rose above: $11. Currently, New Oriental is trading at around $13.