How to get more traffic to your website? Here are 3 effective ways

For those who make money from their websites or blogs, one of the most important things is to get more people (ie. the traffic) to view their content. After all, if you only got a small number of audiences, your chances of making money will be slim. More traffic means more earning potential. But, how to drive more traffic to your content? That’s the million dollar question that we’ll try to tackle in this post. Here are three effective ways to do just that.

1. Create original, good quality content

“Content is king”. Who doesn’t like fresh, original and good quality information that can create value? Focus on topics that your are passionate about and are an expert on. Write articles or create YouTube videos around it. You can share your experiences, knowledge, and insights with people, as long as it has unique value, people (and search engines like Google) will love it and come back for more.

2. Share your content on social networks

Don’t just rely solely on your website or blog. Share your great content with the world. Spread the word so that people know the existence of your content. You can share your content and connect with your audiences through different social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram… etc.

3. Promote your website/blog using Google Ads

You can also promote your website or blog through advertising network such as Google Ads (formerly AdWords). If you want your sites to be known by people around the world in a relatively short time, this is probably the best way to do it. Google has the largest advertising network in the world which can reach enormous amount of audiences. You can take advantage of it by joining the Google Ads program. The process is extremely simple, you sign up for an Google Ads account, set a daily budget for your ads, and it gets displayed on different websites which can drive targeted traffic to your website continuously.

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